RAM More than 64GB (605) 4 to 8GB (46) 9 to 16GB (19) 17 to 32GB (7) 33 to 64GB (1) Less than 4GB (1)
Disque Dur Less than 256 GB (356) 256 GB - 512 GB (221) 1.1 TB - 2 TB (78) 512.1 GB - 1 TB (23) More than 2 TB (8)
Vitesse du processeur 2.6 - 3.5 GHz (505) 3.6 - 4.5 GHz (54) 2.0 - 2.5 GHz (32) Less than 2.0 GHz (5) More than 4.5 GHz (5)
Processeur Intel Core i5 (329) Intel Core i3 (127) Intel Pentium (94) Intel Core 2 Duo (50) Intel Core i7 (15) Intel Celeron (11) AMD Athlon 64 (9) Intel Core i9 (3) Intel Xeon (1)
Modèle Optiplex (365) Élite (182) ThinkCentre (44) Compaq Elite (34) Compaq (32) ProDesk (4) IdeaCentre (1) Mac Mini (1) Précision (1)